Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Today's Lent Devotional: Groans

"We can never achieve wholeness simply by ourselves but only together with others."

Lots of folks tell me that they worship God best while they're out on the golf course, or out sitting in the woods.  They explain to me that they don't need to be sitting on a creaky pew in an old church to be in God's presence.  Sometimes I too think that a beach, a chair and some sunshine might be more powerful than the worship rituals and liturgy of a Sunday morning service.  

Yesterday was a tough day around here as my beloved congregation found out that I'm taking on a new position in campus ministry.  This is the third time I've had a day like this, and the third congregation I have grown to love and cherish deeply.  Each time I begin in a new appointment, I think, "How am I going to grow to love these people, while I miss the last bunch so much?"  But then before I know it I am grafted into the unfolding story of God's Kingdom in a new place, building sacred relationships with new faces.  

This time is different though, because I have chosen to go.   It hasn't really been long enough.  I was ready to encounter anger of all levels yesterday and was especially concerned for my evening Bible study group that has been studying about discernment for the last six weeks.  It was here where I was bowled over by the power of the Spirit in our midst.  These women have become such an important part of my life, I was full of sadness and fear at what they might have to say to me.  They said "go", "be excited", "do what God has called you to do."  Sometimes it's the minister who needs the ministering.  

Change is not easy, but God is faithful.  Transition can be scary, yet we hear God's words, "Do Not Be Afraid."  Loving relationships built on the foundation of faith and ministry never dissolve, only take on different forms as life progresses.  

As I am confronted by this decision on so many levels I am taking seriously Paul's words in Romans 8:  

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.

Over and over, again and again I am humbled by the love of God for even me.  I am reminded that being the church isn't only about connecting with God or worship, but it is about the community.  It is about each person's unique attributes and gifts coming together to be the hands and feet of God.  It is about the Spirit within us connecting to the Spirit in others.  It is about the very Spirit of God speaking and connecting with each and every one of us.  This connection goes beyond time, geography, and all the other things that might separate us.  

I am reminded so often, and hope you recognize, that good things  are happening not because of one person - but  because God is alive and moving!  While a pastor shepherds and teaches, it is all of us together who build the strength of the church.  You are powerful because of the Spirit within you!

If you are struggling today let me know.  I want to talk with you.  I want to pray with you.  I want to build you up, encourage you, hug you.  But more importantly let God know, God wants to talk with you, pray with you, build you up and encourage you.  It's all about the goodness of our loving God...


  1. Very well stated. Thanks for sharing - how wonderful to have such a supportive group. Blessings

  2. Beautifully articulated Pastor Devon Herrell.
