Wednesday, June 14, 2017


I have been asked "Are you crazy?" more times in the last few weeks than I can count.  Lots of people asking you the same thing can make you begin to wonder, to be honest.  But I don't think I am crazy.  I think I'm walking into something that's God-sized.  Scary...a bit....crazy...maybe, but think about the things God asked the people in Scripture to do.  While some were small things that turned into huge miracles (think fishes and loaves) the majority were actually pretty life-altering.  I mean, think about Abram saying yes to leaving his homeland, clinging to God's promise yet stepping into the unknown.  Think about Moses, the prophets, Mary the mother of Jesus, the calling of the disciples, Paul and the other Apostles.  These people said yes to things that seemed way too big...and I can't even compare in all reality.  

So on July 2nd I am going to be starting a new thing.  This new thing includes serving three churches and the Wesley House.  Was this a necessary thing to do?  Nope.  Though campus ministry has taken huge budgetary hits in the last two years (amounting to 50%) Wesley House has been busy fundraising, building relationships, pounding the pavement to provide the many opportunities it always has (and more!).  In fact, no matter how worried I got about finances God never failed to overwhelm me with the generosity of individuals and churches.  We are telling the story of campus ministry and why it is crucial to who we are as the people of God, not to mention the DNA of our denomination.  Can we continue doing the same thing for long?  That is what I am not certain about.  [There are LOTS of factors, like our desire to make sure a credentialed clergy person is serving with young adults, our hope to keep ministry full-time and grounded in the leadership development and spiritual growth of students.  I'm an expensive Wesley Director because I am an ordained Elder and also receive the health benefits plan of our conference, which is very expensive for a person my age that is single. In addition to my salary we have to provide funds for ministry programming and for our buildings.] 

Along comes the potential for us to connect with the churches in the Big Rapids Parish:  Paris, Big Rapids 3rd Ave, and Rodney.  How exciting!  The Wesley House students received this idea with a great willingness to step up and take on more leadership.  They actually want more to do!  This means that our students can actually be involved in and work within a church community, serving in ministry and building relationships and growing spiritually as they build relationships with people who have been doing this faith thing a lot longer than they have.  Nearly all of last year we visited at least 2 - 3 churches each month, which generally meant driving at least 4 hours on a Sunday to be present in a congregation.  With the help of our board, we will continue to do church visits, but no more than twice a month. 

For the churches this means a bit of a change, but I hope to also bring a consistent pastoral presence to their churches. If successful this could mean a bit more pastoral sustainability for the Parish.  For me, this means I too will be rooted within the life of the BR Parish, caring for and serving to the best of my ability.  I look forward to preaching weekly and re-entry to the liturgical cycle and grounding that the local church provides.  I find myself pondering what God may be up to, staying open to the possibilities and trusting that if I continue to say yes in my Spirit, that together we will not fail.  

"Blessed are the flexible" is one of those phrases that gets tossed around at Wesley all the time.  Students are flexible because of the nature of their fast-paced lives.  Sometimes we plan something only to have it totally change direction, and we are ok with that.  We continue to learn that sometimes the things that seem like the biggest problems or struggles really become the launching pads for new God-size adventures in ministry.  

So friends, be on the lookout for student ministry flourishing at the Wesley House as students take on leadership that they never thought they could do. Expect with anticipation for the Wesley House to grow this year.  And, if you're in the area you're invited to worship with us.  No matter when you wake up there will be a service for you!  (Paris @ 9am, 3rd Ave. @ 10:15, Rodney @ 11:30)  I expect that together these three churches will dive into new mission opportunities and reach out into their communities in new ways.  I pray that our Sundays are filled with laughter, hope, and many of those Spirit-filled, sacred moments that come when together we really are seeking the presence and leading of God.  

Personally, I pray everyday that as I wake up I can say, "Here I am, send me."  trusting mightily that it is God who is working in this, not my limited, oh so limited self. I crazy?  YES.  But you already knew that, didn't you?

Thanks for your prayers, friends.  You are loved!