Saturday, December 8, 2012

Plastic Santas and Cows for Milking

I just saw a Saturn with a plastic Santa on top of it riding through town.  I dig people who can actually pull off plastic Santas.  As I sit here working on all the things I didn't finish this week I am enjoying watching the people go past.  Earlier a mother came in here with her young daughter.  They just happened to sit by another family with two small children.  I watched as they examined each other and then screamed with joy when their eyes connected.  The little boy was wearing his pj's complete with camouflage rain boots.  The little girl ate only the cream-cheese part of her bagel and put the rest was too boring, I suppose.    They were so excited to meet one another, though they never really said anything at all.  

This morning I've been talking with some folks in Homa Bay, Kenya.  How awesome technology is that I can directly call the folks working for our children's homes.  There's been such good news coming from the centers lately.  Wonderful reports of well-fed and clothed children who are singing praises to God.  Young people achieving success in school.  And on this side of the organization I am overwhelmed by people willing to donate extra time and funds to make sure the children have new t-shirts for Christmas, or to purchase land on which to grow mangoes.  God is so present in my life these days that it is almost overwhelming.  I am so aware of my inadequacies as a Pastor and as the Executive Director of Hearth to Hearth Ministries that it sometimes stops me in my tracks.  Who am I to think I have the abilities to do God's work?  

The truth is that I don't.  I am just like those little children who scream with joy when human connection is made.  I am overcome to know that even when different languages are spoken we can connect with one another through the presence of the Holy Spirit.  If only I were brave enough, I too could scream with delight when I encounter God's work.  

We Christians are so caught up in being right that it makes us ineffective.  The eternal struggle of  "removing Christmas" has been in the news recently.  We cry when our Commandments are forcibly removed from Courts of Law.  We are frustrated when young people have sports on Sundays.  What if it is really just our opportunity to actually sing of God's work and presence?  We don't need a sign or poster to declare that this is still God's world and into it breaks the Prince of Peace.  Do you think the guy with the plastic Santa really cares if someone doesn't like the fact that it's on the top of his car?  I doubt it.  He wants to spread laughter and joy...and if it takes some molded plastic then so be it.  

I think it's time that we recognize and proclaim the active presence of God rather than complain about it being "stolen" from us.  If you want to say Merry it.  If you want to put a plastic Jesus on your car and drive it.  But more importantly let's squeal with delight when the Holy Spirit moves.  Let's be excited about the Christ in each other.  It is up to us to claim the real Joy of Christmas.  
Alice and the gals of Good Samaritan

The joy of my morning came right at the end of one of my phone calls to Kenya.  It came from a wonderful woman named Alice, who serves as a matron of our Good Samaritan Children's Home.  We had a serious conversation which ended with her saying, "I have a cow.  I'm milking a cow right now!"  For Alice and the children for whom she cares the delicious milk of the cow is the presence of the Christ Child: new opportunities for strength, nourishment, and blessing.  Alice's joy overflowed.....does yours?

Today I choose child-like joy...Wahoo!