Monday, March 30, 2020

No I in Team.

One of my favorite parts of my life growing up was playing sports.  I absolutely loved playing basketball, volleyball, and softball.  I learned so much about what teamwork means, and how important it is to work together and allow everyone's gifts to shine.  I've coached lots of kids teams since then and am always aware of the life-lessons we can learn from having to rely on one another to achieve a common purpose. I miss those days. 

One of the things I have realized in this last year is that I have failed to keep that team-spirit mentality.  Sure ministry definitely takes lots of people and I am alway so grateful for all the people who make things happen.  But, in my own life I pretty much decided somewhere along the line that I was just going to handle everything myself.  My words have often been.... "I Got This."  Often that means that I am far too driven by the perceived expectations of others, by accomplishments, and constant the point that nothing can ever really be good enough.  This is my deepest and most difficult growing edge, without a doubt.  

In the Book of Exodus, Moses has been trying to handle everything on his own, and that's when his Father-in-law, Jethro shows up on the scene with this message:

“What you are doing is not good. You will surely wear yourself out, both you and these people with you. For the task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone. Now listen to me. I will give you counsel, and God be with you!  (Exodus 18:17-19a)

As you can figure from the fact that I'm writing this, God's been working on me a whole lot this year.  Serving in a denomination that is quarreling over inclusivity has made me realize that God is bigger than this system that sometimes feels like it runs me.  Losing people I love has shaken up the world in such a way that I realized how very much I need people. Being quarantined for multiple weeks has opened my eyes to the profound gratitude and humility that comes in the deep gift of friendship.  

The anxiety of our current situation has me struggling to eat well, not because I don't have food, but because I don't feel like eating.  Multiple times in the last week I've been given the most delicious food, offered with a lot of TLC and concern.  The love of God for me has been disguised in thoughtful people, delicious food, willing hearts, and truly gracious spirits.  All of this chaos might be helping all of us recognize that what matters most has little to do with what we've been spending so much time worrying and fretting about.  

I wonder how you've been experiencing God these days.  I pray that God is showing up and surprising you in ways big and small, and that you too have people that make you realize that all in all.....WE GOT THIS.  

Have a good night,
Pastor Devon

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