Monday, March 23, 2015

Godly Goosebumps.

It's been a while since I had those Holy Spirit goosebumps.  You know the ones that come upon us when we encounter the thin spaces, as a bit of the Divine sneaks up into our reality?  I remember when I was in college and worship was kickin, the gospel choir was steppin, and it didn't matter if we stood on the pews with our hands in the air, if we stayed in our seats, or if we just laughed out loud with the joy at just taking it all in - those goosebumps seemed to come a lot more often back then.  I miss those days.  

The more we are involved in the leadership of the church the more we come to realize that this magical holy place is made up of messy, political people.  Though we stay in love with the church and true to God's movement in our midst I think it's easy to  lose a little bit of that awareness of the Divine in our midst.  Ever get so concerned with the details or with who is/isn't doing this/that that you miss the message?  Ever get so focused on the words being said that you miss the Spirit's connection in prayer?  Maybe you've even found yourself making a to-do list for the week during the pastor's sermon, or in campus ministry that means sending snap-chats and texts while we're talking about grace! :-)

Last night I had the great joy of attending a Third Day concert in GR.  The last time I heard them live was when I was in Georgia.  Some of you may remember that night - our seats were actually behind the stage so we "had" to look at the butts of the guys while they sang.  Thankfully there was a screen in front of us so we could see what was really happening.  Last night I experienced every song with such joy - and I encourage you all to check out their latest album.  I loved the movement of the Spirit in the midst of that place - and in the midst of my own heart.  It was great to have those goosebumps again as I was able to just stand and worship without having to say/do anything.  Thank you Third Day!  (Thank you Holy Spirit!)

Where are the "thin" spaces for you?  How do you take time to intentionally open yourself up to the Divine in the midst of the practical everyday?  When did you last encounter the holy goosebumps?  I realized last night that I really need to cultivate these types of moments to stay in love with God.  How about you?

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