Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lent Devotional: Two Red Hats

What a beautiful day we had today, I hope you were able to take a few moments to enjoy the warmth and sunshine.  One of the best parts of my day was spending some time at the park with some children and their grandma.  It is spring break here, so the park was packed with families and friend playing and having picnics.  I think the warm sun drew everyone out to celebrate the day.  

In one of the studies I am teaching we are asked to ponder a question each week.  Our question for this week was, "Where have you seen the in-breaking of the Kingdom of God?"  Today I saw the Kingdom of God in a beautiful way.  I happened to catch a picture of it:  

Two red hats getting ready to head down the slide at the park.  One worn by a young man only beginning his journey of life that is confident and clear about what he wants.  The other worn by a man who I have grown to love through our Open Door Ministry - where dinner is served every Tuesday night for anyone who walks through the door.  James has some limitations but is an active member of our community (and our church).  He was having fun at the park today too - and was pretty happy to share the slide with this little one.  Two red hats covering the heads of God's most wonderful creations.  

In The Lord's Prayer we pray, "Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven."  What does this phrase mean to you?  How have you encountered the in-breaking of the Kingdom in the midst of your days?  When has God's presence surprised you or caught you off-guard? 

Prayer:  God, today I give you thanks for the unique way you have made each of us.  I pray that rather than focus on our differences you would open me up to your image that is alive in others.  Help me to see with your vision the movement of Your Kingdom in the midst of the everyday.  Help me to grasp onto Your hands at work in the world, while opening myself up to opportunities to serve others.  Again I thank you for the gift of faith and life, fill me again with your Spirit this day.  Amen.  

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