Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lent Devotional: Pickled Pigs Feet

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13

This is a verse that many of us have memorized.  It's an easy one that can be breathed when we face trials or frustrations.  It's a good reminder for all of us that sometimes we cannot accomplish things without falling on the strength of Christ in us.  I know some people who have had this verse tattooed on their bodies after having been through a time of suffering or illness as a reminder that with Christ they can get through anything and everything that comes their way.  

I just got home from leading our Bible study on discernment.  Discernment is about being in-tune with the leading of the Spirit.  This class is helping us to refine our spiritual senses when it comes to making decisions.  Each week I am reminded that when connected with the Spirit we are capable of being more than just ourselves.  When we tap into the Spirit we are powerful and grace-filled vessels of God's love.

While I write this I have my television on to one of my evening favorites:  Chopped.  You might laugh at that because it is a cooking competition and as you probably know, I am not a very good cook.  On this show people are given a basket filled with mystery-ingredients which they then have to make into a palatable dish.  If they don't get "chopped" there is a prize of $10,000.  The appetizer round for tonight's episode featured pickled pig lips.  Have you ever eaten a pig lip?  Ew.

Unfortunately pickled pig reminds me of a situation in which I found myself in 2002.  I had just begun my first year of seminary and also started my first real gig as a youth pastor.  One of my first weeks on the job we attended a worship service put on by a local band.  This service was for all of the area youth groups and became one of our most favorite things to attend together.  This night there was an apple-bobbing challenge for a few youth that volunteered.  They had one minute to bob for apples and for every apple they got they would earn $5.  It was exciting and fun.  

As they asked for an adult volunteer I knew I had to raise my hand.  I was new, and I had to prove that I could hang with these kids.  So I did and I was chosen.  Bobbing for apples is no big deal, right?  Right...unless when you get to the stage you realize you are really bobbing for pickled pigs feet.  Ew again.  Double Ew.  I don't even like to eat meat that much, let alone use my teeth to pull a pigs foot out of a giant bucket.  

Six pigs feet later I was the proud owner of $100.  My hair smelled picked for a week.  But it was worth it because those awesome youth knew that I would do anything for them (we went out to eat with the $100).  I know it may seem silly, but this is one of those times when  "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" ran through my head.  

While this example may make you laugh, I know this same verse can help us when we feel defeated in life, or when we face something that seems like it might swallow us up.  Whether in good or bad circumstances it is helpful to know that we do not stand alone.

So, what situations do you face (or have you encountered) during which you had to rely on the strength of Christ?  Can you reflect on moments in which you felt power beyond yourself?  

Take a moment and commit this verse to memory.  It just might come in handy.

Prayer:  God of grace and of power I thank you for standing with me.  I thank you for the promise of your strength when I face things that seem overwhelming.  Help me to feel the guidance of the Spirit when I am uncertain.  Give me the confidence to face life unafraid.  Amen.  

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