Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bear all Things....

It's been a while since I sat down and wrote something, but I have certainly been thinking about it for a few days.  I'm in the middle of preaching a sermon series about Song of Songs and it's taken me a lot longer to prepare for than I expected it would.  Turns out reading and discussing love and intimacy with an entire congregation can be pretty challenging!  It's been fun though, too and I am always amazed at how God speaks through the text and the time we have in worship together.  I am so grateful for the movement of the Holy Spirit!

In the midst of all this reading about love I have really been thinking about my own life and my hope to one day find someone to spend the rest of my life with.  I find that I can easily get excited at the thought of dating and meeting someone, but at the same time it really scares me.  As a pastor I wonder who would be interested in living this life with me?  It would mean drastic changes in time-management and some changes in the care of my congregation.  I can see the benefit in marrying as a young person and moving through life and all its changes with someone who has pledged to love you unconditionally.  I think my brain has prevented me from settling in that way, as I have an earnest desire to be as available to do God's work as possible.  For a long time now I have been certain that being single is the way it should be, in order for me to fully answer my call in the best way I know how.  I realize at the same time however, that when (and if) I do meet that certain someone that our lives can actually mesh into something beyond my limited understanding at this point.

I was reading a quick devotion the other day and it focused on 1 Corinthians 13.  The part that really caught my attention was that phrase "bears all things."  I think this is often where I go wrong in my relationships with others, and even in relation to God probably.  What does a love that bears all things really look like?  In our culture where divorce is the easy way out of a challenging relationship and where individual needs/wants rule it is something to ponder.  A love that "bears all things" doesn't get distracted by the little frustrations of our close friends/spouses/relatives.  Maybe "bearing all things" means that we just chalk these things up to someone's uniqueness.  Imagine what God can teach us about ourselves as we learn to love someone with a love that truly does "bear all things."  That's what God's love is like for each of us, because Lord knows that we must do things that really make God question if this creation idea was such a good one.

If you haven't done it already, take a few minutes to read through Song of Songs.  It is such a beautifully written poem that expresses one's love for another, yet it also exemplifies just how crazy being in a relationship can make us (notice the woman running through the night to find her lover....)  We are people meant to be in connection with one another. We are most blessed by those friendships/relationships that strengthen/challenge/ and build us up to be people that can share this bear-all-things kind of love.  

I'm going to work on this (with God's help, of course.)

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I am anxious today.  Not just the usual anxious that I carry in my bones everyday.  Anxiety can be one of my greatest assets, but today it's just making me pretty nuts.  Ever struggle with anxiety?  It reminds me of that slippery serpent in the Garden of Eden as it can overtake me before I even know it exists.  It begins in the wee hours of the morning when I begin to think of all that the day will entail, then it transforms the many tasks and ideas into a mess of fear and leaves me catching my breath.  I hate it.  Anxiety makes no sense, really....but no matter how I try to talk myself out of it it tends to hang around for a while.  For me, it is often the hidden part of my life that no one imagines is there.  It can rob me of the joy of serving Christ by filling my head with all that is left undone:  people who are needing a visit, letters to be written, calendars to be copied, sermons that aren't quite finished, youth group lessons, books to read, leadership skills to learn, family to check in on, and on..and on...

Reality check time.   Deep breath.   Gentle reminder:  Nothing I do will cause God to love me more, nothing I don't do will cause God to love me less.  Phew.  Re-focus.  Press on.

The irony of today is evident in the sermon I am pondering for our Saturday night service.  I've been reading the conversion stories of Wesley, Luther, and Augustine again recently.  Their struggle to KNOW without doubt that they have pleased God and received the blessing of salvation kept them awake long nights and led them to "work" zealously for God.  The very thing they longed to know in their bones, is that which they encouraged others to grasp:  grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love.....all through faith alone.  

It's too much for us in this world where everything has to fulfill it's purpose or can be replaced.  It's too much to struggle and dig deeper when most of what we want comes at the click of the computer mouse.  This reality effects culture in such drastic ways, even determining the success or failure of relationships.  If Luther hadn't struggled he may never have experienced the utter relief and joy at finally KNOWING the Lord.  If Wesley had given up on the quest for the fire of the Spirit the common people may never have known the deep acceptance of God's grace.  

The level of need in the world overwhelms me.  People unwilling to do the hard work to make thing better for themselves makes me sad.  Help exists, but it means we have to do difficult things.  Children suffering the consequences of their parent's choices makes me weep.  In the midst we stand as a the Body of Christ, just reaching our arms out as far as they can stretch, praying that we can catch those who fall, crushed by the weight of failure, desires, accidents, illness...not just to slip them a few bucks or a bag of groceries and send them on their way but to confront them with the only love that will never disappoint, hold a grudge, or turn on them.  

We've got to make this love real.  We've got to find avenues to open up flashes of unmerited grace in people's lives.  We've got to keep our eyes on the big picture.

Phew.   God's still in charge.  I just needed the reminder that I'M not.  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hope for the Hopeless

I have struggled all day with what to write for our January newsletter at church.  This seems to be the area of ministry that can really trip me up, though I tell myself that it doesn't need to be a big deal.  I know it is January and I should probably be writing about all the amazing miracles that have occured in ministry during the last twelve months, or at least about the provision that God will provide for 2013.  However, all day I have been plagued by this sense that there is more to do, more people to reach, and new ways to reach them.  Below is my newsletter article.  If you receive the newsletter you'll get a repeat tomorrow, sorry!  I am interested in your thoughts on this topic and the potential influence the church could/should have.


I’m sure many of you have read the recent newspaper articles about the young soldier, Eric Harm who took his own life at the end of December.  Many members of the Harm family live in our community and I am sure that some of you must know them personally.  This has certainly filled the Harm family with great sorrow and grief as they do their best to begin 2013 with some sort of hope.  Suicide is such as difficult and tragic outcome and only causes everyone close to the victim to question what they might have done to prevent it.  So often during these times I am questioned about God’s opinion on the subject.  Many people have been taught by the church that suicide is deal-breaker with God.  This is not something I have read in Scripture, though I do have high regard for the value of life. 
I have found in my limited experience that things like this happen only when someone’s mental state has been altered.  If capable of thinking clearly, I don’t know that anyone would really want to end their life.  In this instance, Eric was struggling beyond anyone’s understanding with his experiences as a soldier in Afghanistan.    What those experiences were that tortured his spirit we will never know,  but I believe that our loving God has wrapped Eric’s broken soul with His great love.  After all, as it says in Romans, “nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ.”  My prayer is that just as Eric was overtaken with the love of God, freed from the pain and fear that plagued him, his family might also be as we (their community) do our best to support them through this tragic time in their lives. 
As the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran who is ultimately proud of his service as a Green Beret, I know personally the effects that military service can have on a soldier’s life.  Though they may come back home to family and friends, after fighting in a war life is rarely able to go back to being the same.  As wars end and transitions are made the number of service men and women facing this type of transition is astounding.  Many soldiers come home and are unable to find work, thousands are homeless.   Those who faced combat are often plagued by flash-backs and diagnosed with Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder.  At last count, the number of Veterans in the United States totals about 22 million people.  Currently 680,000 of these folks are living in Michigan.   The number of soldier-suicides is at an all-time high.  That tells me that as a congregation, and as children of God, we must be equipped to welcome in the Veterans in our midst, more importantly to reach those who have not yet stepped into our fellowship. 
The family of Eric Harm wants nothing more than to help prevent this from ever happening again.  Shouldn’t this be the goal of our church as well?  How can we reach out to this population of people to show our support and offer help and guidance?  We can no longer expect folks to come to us, we must reach out to them.  It is not about preaching salvation as much as it is about coming alongside those who are hurting, broken, and afraid. 
I am sure you have done some reflecting as the New Year approached.  Is God calling you to something new?  Is God calling you to step out of your comfort zone?  Today as I was reading through some emails, I received one from the UMC’s latest campaign:  ReThink Church.  They have created a program to challenge local churches to connect with those who have served our country.  There are many different suggestions as to how this might come to be, but I would like to hear your ideas.  I know that many of you are passionate about caring for and praying for our military.  For me, this means that God is clearly challenging my spirit with our ability to serve those men and women who have yet to step inside our church building.  One suicide is one too many. 
If you’re interested, I’d like to have some conversation (not debate) around this topic on Thursday, January 17th at 7pm in our fellowship hall.  Perhaps God is calling us to a new ministry.  If this is not where God has called you I ask that you join in prayer as a community for the family of Eric Harm and the many other soldiers like him.  Together let us discern how the Prince of Peace can come to life through our words and actions.  Thank you to those of you who have served in the military, your sacrifices are not taken for granted. 
May God continue to challenge us as we strive to be His people in 2013! 
Pastor Devon